"We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time & miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands."--- Kristi Larson

Our little princess!!!

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One Crazy Mama!

Since we received the call I have been running around gathering stuff for our trip! My mind has been going in a thousand different directions! I think I am suffering from some sort of sensory overload ... smoke could billow out of both of my ears at any moment!
We are so excited about meeting our daughter but sad about leaving our boys! Nick just turned 14 this past week and I think he will be OK .Now Jake is 4. He is tough as a boot on the outside but still a momma's boy! He still does not have a good grasp on time so hopefully it will go by fast for him with T and Pop! When the social worker came for our first home visit Jake thought she was bringing the baby then! He was so disappointed!He was ready to play! I pray that they are safe and having fun while we are gone!
It amazes me how God prepares you for the "birth" of a child . I am waking up earlier and earlier each night! I remember doing this with both of the boy's. I believe that this is his way of preparing you for sleepless nights ahead. Hmm...I will have to buy some extra concealer to camouflage those big bags I will be lugging around!
Well off to finish packing! I have got to try how to figure out how to fit 75 lbs. of orphanage clothes in my bags!I priced the shipping costs to Russia for the 2 boxes ...$650. ...EACH!!!!
Needless to say we will pay the airline extra $ to bring them.Congrats to all of the Families that have court this week!


Over-Caffeinated said...


Split that donation into two trips. Don't pay extra. Take half now, half later. They will let you take four bags weighing 50 pounds each. You will not need or be expected to have donations on your first trip anyway, so if you bring some then, it's just extra goody. I really would save my money and stretch the donation further. One less stresser! :)


Becky and Keith said...

Can't wait to meet you! I agree with Ondrea - pack and extra suitcase, that's what we did!!