We have our own little mystery going on around here. I have several suspects but I am really wondering if it is one single person to blame or rather a group effort.
Suspect #1 Jake - profile: sweet mama's boy; always eager to point or pull the finger;expert storyteller
Suspect #2 Nick - profile: (confidential)Cannot divulge too much personal info I am under a gag order ; I suspect there is a restraining order against me coming within 10 feet of the high school
Suspect #3 Dad - Profile: High protein diet ...Need I say more
Suspect # 4 Tex - Profile: Sneaky and eats dirt, bugs and everything in his path!
The problem here is that I have a beautiful little girl who suffers from a syndrome called P.O.D. For those of you that are not familiar with this be glad! If you have boys in your house you are probably in denial but have seen the signs of this disorder. POD a.k.a. Pooting On Demand . Yes, my little "poot in pink" thinks this is so funny to cut the cheese in public! While we were out shopping the other day she cut the cheese so loud the lady on the aisle looked at me!
I am fearful that she is lost to all the laughter that she can get from her new found bodily function!So her is her latest mug shot . If you see her out in public I swear it is not me!