When you are preparing for that first trip there is so much info to remember that it can be so overwhelming. I had a really good group of friends that paved the way before me and helped me remember everything.Some of the best advice that I had received yielded a priceless treasure that we will keep forever. When we travelled to met Ava on trip one I left behind a two disposable cameras and a journal.I was not sure if these items would be used but I requested that they take some photos of Ava and have some of the caregivers write in her journal. I explained that these items will be memories of her life in Russia and would be placed in her lifebook. Much to my surprise when we arrived for our next trip both of the cameras had been used . After developing them we found that Alla had taken the time to photograph various days in Ava's life while we were away. These photos are so priceless to us and I believe will be so for Ava one day.Alla took the journal and wrote entries with beautiful illustrations as well. Ava was so lucky to have a special person to watch over her until we came into her life. Alla was truly heaven sent.While we were away I spent many days wondering what Ava was doing. I wanted to share some of these photos with you all . Maybe you too are wondering what the typical day holds for these kiddos. They are kids that play ,eat, sleep and dream of having a family of their own.I pray that each of their little dreams come true.